Welcome to the
Iowa Child Nutrition Programs!

Click here for the Nondiscrimination statement.



Forgot User ID? Password Problems? Please send email to:  IDOE.Nutrition@iowa.gov


Direct Certification - Schools

  • The 03/17/2025 March Direct Certification (DC) list is now available on the Iowa Education Portal (EDPortal). To access the DC list you need to have completed an IowaCNP Access Form and have an A&A account.  Contact our Bureau at IDOE.Nutrition@iowa.gov for assistance.  


IowaCNP Helpful Hints

  • **When navigating thru IowaCNP, do not use the web browser's arrows**
    Also know as backward and forward buttons, this may cause duplication of data entry.

    **Only use the navigation buttons within IowaCNP, that are normally located on bottom of webpage.**
    Most common navigation buttons in IowaCNP are "Back", "Save" and "Cancel"

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